Miguel Cornelio

Seattle & Palm SPrings wedding photographer

Miguel Cornelio

Our Furry Baby Boy | Seattle Photographer


Meet Frank “Lincoln” he’s our furry baby boy –– half pug half Brussels griffon. Frank loves three things more than anything in the world!

1. He loves food! Don’t ask him if he’s “hungry” because he will run to the door of our pantry (where we keep his food) and he will be so excited! Then when we serve him his food, he will not chew it, he will gulp it in big chunks! You’d think we’d forgot to feed him.

2. Bed time is another one of his favorite things to do. Frank sleeps about 99% of the time. His favorite place to sleep is under the covers! When I can’t find him, I just have to lift the sheets and yep you guessed it –– he’s underneath the covers rolled into a little ball.

3. Lastly he loves loves loves going for a walk! As soon as I say “let’s go for a walk” he will just go ballistic! He’ll start howling, barking and make a screaming sound of excitement!

So that’s it! Now you know a little bit of my handsome boy Frank and next week you will learn more about my precious baby girl Bella “Rose” and the only lady of our home.